CT Landscaping & Organic Lawn Care Services | Hillside Landscaping Co.

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NOFA Accredited Organic Land Care Professional


CONTACT: Jeremy Pelletier | jeremy@organiclandcare.net | (203) 308-2584

Newly Accredited Professional Practices Organic Land Care in Berlin, Connecticut

BERLIN, CT – Organic landscaping services are now available from local landscaper Steven Walowski of Hillside Landscaping Co.

We are pleased to announce that Steven Walowski is among over 500 Organic Land Care Professionals throughout the Northeast and beyond, accredited by the NOFA Organic Land Care Program, a program of the Northeast Organic Farming Association of Connecticut. Over 2,000 professionals have been educated since the course’s inception in 2002.

Hillside Landscaping Co. has been in business since 1984 providing landscape design services and will integrate organic techniques into the installation and maintenance of properties where clients request organic land care. 

To become NOFA Accredited, landscape professionals complete an intensive four-day course in organic land care taught by highly experienced scientists and leaders in the “green” industry and each student must pass the NOFA Accreditation Exam. 

Highly skilled at practicing organic methods of landscape design, installation and maintenance, these professionals pledge to provide service according to the NOFA Standards for Organic Land Care, to clients who request organic services. First published in 1999, the NOFA Standards were the first of its kind and are widely recognized as the source for appropriate organic landscaping techniques. 

The NOFA Accreditation Courses are held annually in Connecticut and other parts of the Northeast and attract landscape designers, landscapers from large and small firms, state and municipal employees, school groundskeepers, garden and nursery center owners and staff, professors, entrepreneurs and students. The NOFA Organic Land Care Program was founded in 1999 to extend the vision and principles of organic agriculture to the landscapes where people spend their daily lives. 

The demand for organic landscaping services is increasing rapidly, driven by consumer concerns and regulatory pressures, including state legislation. The course curriculum – covering all topics of organic land care -- is especially important today as more people become aware of the danger that synthetic pesticides and fertilizers pose to biodiversity, water quality and ecosystem health. 

To find an NOFA Accredited Organic Land Care Professional near you, visit http://nofa.organiclandcare.net or call (203) 308-2584. For more information, visit www.organiclandcare.net